
Indonesian Continuers A

LevelStage 1
Learning AreaLanguages
SemesterSemester 1
Pre-requisiteSuccessful completion of Indonesian in Years 7-10 and/or an equivalent knowledge
Additional CostsNone
SACE Credits10

Who is this course for?

This course is for students who want to explore Indonesian-speaking communities, culture, and language while enhancing intercultural understanding. Enrolment completion depends on meeting the eligibility criteria set by the SACE Board and is pending upon an eligibility form.

Students who have had more than one year of education in Indonesia after age five are considered 'background learners' and not eligible for the Continuers course.

Prior learning in years 7-10 is highly recommended. Enrolment with limited prior learning is to be negotiated with an OAC Language Leader.

Completing this course opens a pathway to Stage 1 Indonesian Continuers B and Stage 2 Indonesian Continuers.

What will I learn?

Students are expected to develop and apply their linguistic and intercultural knowledge, understanding, and skills to:

1. interact with others to exchange information, ideas, opinions, and experiences in Indonesian

2. create texts in Indonesian to express information, feelings, ideas, and opinions

3. analyse texts that are in Indonesian to interpret meaning

4. examine relationships between language, culture, and identity, and reflect on the ways in which culture influences communication.

  • The Individual
  • The Indonesian-speaking Communities
  • The Changing World

How will I be assessed?

Students will demonstrate evidence of their learning through the following assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Interaction
  • Assessment Type 2: Text Production
  • Assessment Type 3: Text Analysis
  • Assessment Type 4: Investigation


Successful completion of Indonesian in Years 7-10 and/or an equivalent knowledge


It is recommended that students have their own bilingual hardcopy dictionary.

Last updated: 30 July 2024